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Crime Tips & Prevention

Robertson County Sheriff's Office continues to work hard to provide you with ways to keep you and your family safe.

Please visit frequently for updated information related to Crime Prevention, Scams, and tips to protect yourself, your family and your property.

Should you at anytime have a question related to Crime Prevention, Scams or tips you may contact our office at 979-828-3299 or email your questions to attn: Crime Prevention.



Day-today activities that you can implement to protect yourself and property.



  • ALL doors and windows should be locked even for short periods of time that you are away from home.  Burglars prefer the easy access, don't provide that for them.
  • Do NOT advertise your absence!
    • NO social media posts
    • Set lights within your home on timers; do NOT have one on 24 hours a day.
    • Have mail and newspapers placed on hold or collected by a neighbor or friend.
  • For short absences leave a TV or radio on so that it appears someone is at home.
  • Do NOT "hide" an extra house key outside of your home, Burglars know to look for these.  Instead leave a key with a neighbor.
  • Do NOT post your family name on your mailbox or anywhere outside of your home, experienced Burglars know that they can call directory assistance and obtain a home number to call to verify no one is home.
  • Do NOT advertise new purchase by piling empty boxes at the curb for trash day.  Break them down and place in trash bags or haul them to your local dump or recycling.



  • Do NOT be the "head down texting" distracted shopper; you make yourself an easy target.
  • ALWAYS park in an area with lighting, NEVER park in unlite or low light areas.
  • Have your keys ready and in your hand when walking to your vehicle, and before you enter your vehicle make sure no one has been able to get inside and is hiding by looking through your windows.  Be AWARE!
  • Hide your valuables and purchases in your trunk or areas that can not be seen from your vehcile windows.
  • ALWAYS keep doors locked and windows up, do NOT give the thief easy access.
  • If possible limit the amount of cash your carry.  Use checks, credit cards or debit cards
  • Ladies carry your purse under your arm and limit the number of packages you carry
  • Gentlemen, if possible carry your wallet in your front pocket or in an inside jacket pocket.


***ALWAYS be aware your surroundings.  Many "Con-artists" look for distracted shoppers in hopes of taking your belongings or "talking" you out of your money.


 Also should you have any information related to a crime that has been committed you can also report that ANONYMOUSLY to ROBERTSON COUNTY CRIME STOPPERS.

You can provide information two ways calling the call center at 1-800-299-0191, on line at ONLINE TIP SUBMIT



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